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I teach kids how to make games.

I run an online training program in which I teach adolescents the fundamentals of programming and game development with Unity and C#. The course is personalized and aimed at kids aged 10-16.

Students start by creating and manipulating basic 3D GameObjects and UI elements. They learn how to create scripts, design their own assets, work with multiple scenes, and instantiate prefabs.

An obstacle-course game, made early on in the game development course. It features multiple levels and custom power-ups like jump and speed boost.

Once they are ready, each student comes up with their own game idea. They are guided through their independent projects, and learn more advanced game development and programming techniques as needed. These additional skills vary from project to project, but may include more complex subjects such as playing audio clips, animating characters, or repositioning the camera during runtime. Throughout their game's development, they also learn how to balance their game and test it for a target audience.

A horror adventure game, designed by a group of students in the later stages of the course. It includes NPCs with unique AI and player interaction to move obstacles.

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